Senior Wellness

women holding hands

Why choose assisted living?

If you’re currently looking at moving to a senior community and comparing the benefits of moving to Assisted Living versus staying at home or “aging in place” you may have quite a few questions on…

caretakers caring

Stress and Heart Health

How do you handle stress? Believe it or not, your answer may say a lot about your health in general, and your heart health in particular. Increasingly, studies are finding that while stress itself isn’t…

gardening in the rain

Senior Independence Month

What does independence mean to you? The answer may well depend on your age and life circumstances. At Senior Lifestyle, one of our goals is helping the seniors in our communities maintain their independence. We…

woman getting a check up

Take ‘Heart’ in February

February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness of heart disease, learn more about risk factors and work to maintain and improve heart health. Our goal at Senior Lifestyle is to help residents,…

seniors hanging out

Senior Support Groups

What Are The Benefits Of Senior Support Groups? When faced with a difficult diagnosis for yourself or a loved one and given the chance to attend a meeting, you may ask yourself, “What can a…

talking with caretaker

Fight the Flu

The flu season is in full swing, but that doesn’t mean you have to join the party. At Senior Lifestyle, we know that a bout of influenza is not only miserable with its hallmark symptoms…

making smores

Quality of Life

January traditionally symbolizes new beginnings, a time to reflect on your life and its purpose, identify what makes you happy, and make changes. Not so coincidentally, the first month of the new year is also…

war veterans

Changing Needs

The holidays are a wonderful time to re-connect with loved ones, enjoy family traditions, and recharge for the coming year. They also provide a unique opportunity to spend quality time with elderly relatives. At Senior…

family singing


Are resolutions part of your New Year’s ritual? If so, you’re in good company, as the practice of making New Year’s resolutions, thought to have been instituted by the ancient Babylonians, is still traditional for…

Find a Community

For more information on retirement and senior housing options, reach out to a Senior Lifestyle community near you.
